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International Amateur Couple in the News
Armen Tsaturyan and Svetlana Gudyno

Photo via Armen_Tsaturyan Instagram
When one is asked, who is your favorite Amateur Latin couple, many times the answer is Armen Tsaturyan and Svetlana Gudyno. It is very clear why they are many people’s favorite. Their style of dancing has managed to inspire many generations of dancers. Together they represent the Russian Federation as well as Team Diablo, an international team of dancers led by Davide and Olga Cacciari, headquartered in Italy.
Armen and Svetlana began dancing together on December 1, 2010. Their first competition was the International DanceSport Federation International Open in Ashdod, Israel on December 11, 2010. There, they earned a spot in the final and bronze medals, placing third. Throughout the years, they began to make a name for themselves. They won their first World European Championship title at the World DanceSport Federation (WDSF) European Championships in Aarhus, Denmark on March 28, 2015. As for their first World Championship title, they won the WDSF World Championships in Ostrava, Czech Republic on October 6, 2018.
Armen and Svetlana captured the attention of many on April 23, 2021, when Armen made an official announcement stating:
Дорогие друзья. Это было долгое и великолепное путешествие длиною в 11 лет. Всегда тяжело принимать такие решения , но мы решили завершить наш совместный дуэт. Хотим выразить большую благодарность нашим потрясающим педагогам, которые всегда были рядом с нами. Так же хотим поблагодарить всех наших болельщиков , которые находятся в разных уголках планеты- спасибо , что вы были с нами. Отдельное спасибо нашим родителям.
(Translated)(Dear friends. It was a long and magnificent journey of 11 years. It’s always hard to make such decisions, but we decided to complete our duet together. We would like to express our deep gratitude to our amazing teachers who have always been with us. We also want to thank all our fans who are in different parts of the world – thank you for being with us. Special thanks to our parents.) To date, Armen’s titles consist of: 11-time Russian Champion, five-time European Champion, and four-time World Champion. As for Svetlana’s titles: two-time World Champion, four-time European Champion, and 10-time Russian Champion. The American Dancer Magazine wishes Armen and Svetlana luck in the future. We hope to see them again on the dance floor soon!